Daikin Ac Remote Control Manual Japanese

Central cooling and heating is limited in Japan, so your best bet to comfortably regulate the temperature in your home is individual cooling and heating units placed in each room of the house. Here are our tips on How to Use an Air Conditioner in Japan – Functions, Tips and Repairs, Looking like something out of a sci-fi, the buttons on a standard remote for an air conditioner in Japan can be intimidating. Who knew one machine was capable of doing so many things? This guide will help you get the most of out of your air conditioner by explaining its functions and the buttons on the remote. How to Use an Air Conditioner in Japan – Functions, Tips and Repairs Basic Functions COOLING: Press [冷房 / れいぼう / reibou] for cool air WARMING: Press [暖房 / だんぼう / danbou] for warm air AUTOMATIC: Press [自動 / じどう / jidou] to have the air conditioner automatically set temperature and fan speed based on room temperature.

The basic functions on most air conditioners will include some or all of the following. Air conditioner, Japan, aircon, remote, functions. A simpler version than. The Japanese air-conditioner remote I translated here is a Daikin model. I hope this helps. I may add other photos and translations here in the future. And I hope to add some for China and Korea in the future. It will save me some frustration at least. Translation of Japanese air-conditioner remote buttons. More Travel Tips for Japan.

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STOP: Press [停止 / ていし / teishi] to stop all functions TEMPERATURE: Press [温度 / おんど / ondo] to adjust the temperature. • May also be indicated by [温度↑ / ondo↑ ] or [温度↓ / ondo↓] WIND: Press [風量 / ふうりょう / fuuryou] to control the strength or weakness (on a scale from 1 to 5 or 6 stages); strength will be indicated by the appropriate amount of bars on the remote’s display panel. SWING: Press [風向 / ふうこう / fuukou] to adjust the angle of the wind. On some models of air conditioning units, you can further adjust the direction of the swing: • [風向上下 / ふうこうじょうげ / fuukou jyouge] allows you to adjust the direction of the wind, up or down. • [風向左右 / ふうこうさゆう / fuukou sayuu] allows you to adjust the direction of the wind, left or right.

AIR SWING: Press [自動風向 / じどうふうこう / jidou fuukou] to activate air swing. • If no such button is present on your remote, air swing may be activated by repeatedly pressing [風向 / ふうこう / fuukou] *** How to Use an Air Conditioner in Japan*** Other Functions TIMER ON: Press [入り / いり / iri; may also be タイマー / たいまー / taima-] to set the timer. It can be programmed to turn on between 1 to 12 hours later. TIMER OFF: Press [切り / きり / kiri; may also be おやすみ / oyasumi] to set the timer. It can be programmed to turn off between 1 to 12 hours later.

CANCEL: Press [取消 / とりけし / torikeshi] to cancel timer or to start over. FAN MODE: Press [送風 / そうふう / soukou] to use the air conditioner as a fan. DEHUMIDIFIER: Press [除湿 / じょしつ / joshitu or ドライ / どらい / dorai] to reduce or even remove the moisture from the air before it is recirculated. Useful modes DAY OUT MODE: Press [おでかけ / odekake] to activate this function which is useful for keeping room temperature at a constant temperature when out. ENERGY EFFICIENT MODE: Press [省エネ / しょうえね / shou ene] to reduce your energy consumption while unit is in use. IONIZER MODE: Press [Ion] to releases positive and negative ions that reduce smells and gathers house dust, pollen and other small particles. LAUNDRY MODE: Press [ランドリー / らんどりー / randori-] to activate this function that is useful for drying clothes indoor.

Best when used when no one is home as temperature can not be controlled. *** How to Use an Air Conditioner in Japan*** TIPS • Use the dehumidifying function [除湿 / じょしつ / joshitu] during the rainy season and cooling function [冷房 / れいぼう / reibou] during the summer. • FAN MODE is useful when returning home on a hot day. Open windows and press [送風 / そうふう / soufuu] to let out hot air, then press [冷房 / れいぼう / reibou].

Daikin remote control arc480a8

• Pair your air conditioner with a fan to distribute cool air throughout the room and reduce energy consumption. Point the fan upwards facing the air conditioner’s vent: With the fan facing a wall, tilt the head upwards, leaving a space between the wall and fan: Stay extra cool this summer with some of the top selling fans: heater heats rooms quickly and evenly. And in warmer weather, it cools you effectively. The intelligent thermostat monitors the room to reach and maintain the target temperature – no wasted energy. Can be programmed to turn off after pre-set intervals ranging from 15 minutes to 9 hours. Perfect for night time use with intelligent temperature control in heater mode and sleep timer.

With settings to adjust oscillation, temperature and airflow. – This space-saving Slim Tower fan is easy to operate with a powerful blower. It has 3 stages of wind adjustment (weak, medium and strong), timer, tilt and sleep mode.