Raymond Carver They Re Not Your Husband Pdf Free
Aug 7, 2010 - Is Less More? A Reinvention of Realism in Raymond Carver's Minimalist Short Story. Carver's They're Not your Husband John Magee.
They’re not your husband by Raymond Carver People can get so bored of their own life, that they start to find interest in others. This can turn out to an obsession. What other people think of you or your family means a lot for some people, especially if they are insecure about them self. Some people care so much of what others think that they make their l oved ones to victims of their own insecurities.
This is what happens in “They’re not your husband” by Raymond Carver. The story is about Earl Ober who is an unemployed salesman, and his waitress wife Doreen. Earl overhears two men in the coffee shop where Doreen works at, talking about her weight, her ass1 and the thick black veins along her leg as she reaches for some ice-cream at the bottom of the freezer. Beyonce greatest hits rar. They also talk about how they do not like fat women and want a thinner woman than his wife. Earl then starts to get obsessed with Doreen’s weight, which resolves in him convincing Doreen to lose weight by starving herself.
Doreen is getting thinner and sicker because all the weight she lost in such short term. At the moment Earl is unemployed and every three or four days he has an interview with different companies2. Earl tends to go drinking quite often; “One night when he was drinking”.3 Earl either drinks at home or goes to a bar. It bothers Earl that he doesn’t have a job.
He is in many ways socially lost and lonely, with no hobbies. This is partly the reason why he starts drinking and suddenly visits Doreen at her job. It is also why he is so obsessed with Doreen’s weight. Another reason is that Earl is insecure and embarrassed about himself. These insecurities are tested at the coffee shop where he hears the strangers insulting Doreen’s look. Instead of defending his wife against the two men he goes home. He is humiliated over flaws he never seemed to realize until now.
He fears what other people think of Doreen and he is allowing the men’s comments on Doreen to affect him. He feels like Doreen’s. . “They’re Not Your Husband” is a short story by Raymond Carver, where he writes about the man named Earl Ober, who is an unemployed salesman, with his wife (Doreen) working as a waitress, at a 24-hour coffee shop. After a night of drinking as he usually does he goes to see the place where his wife works. Here he is treated like a nuisance by his wife. Two men start talking about his wife’s weight and this bothers Earl greatly. He decides to let Doreen know that she (he) has a problem with her weight.
After this incident she tries to go on a diet but she ends up not eating at all and not looking healthy. He continues to pressure her, so she would keep dieting. He ends up in the coffee shop again and tries to “sell” her to a man sitting next to him.
The story ends abruptly; with Doreen telling everybody that he is a salesman. The total lack of benevolence between husband and wife are clearly seen straight away: “What are you doing here? Doreen said when she saw him sitting there”1 and later she says: “Don’t talk to me now. I’m busy.”2 Earl is very embarrassed when two men in business suits start talking about his wife’s weight. He then sits quietly and hopes the two men won’t see the connection between him and his wife, and that is also the reason for him not saying goodbye to his wife. It almost seems like he acquires the point of view the two unidentified men have. The troubles of Doreen and Earl’s.
.Eric Maxson English 102-BB 24, April 2010 Love? Raymond Carver was a short story writer who was born in the Pacific Northwest. He was a textbook editor, lecturer and teacher while writing. His stories featured some of his trademarks of, alcohol, poverty, and people in real life situations. Carver was influenced to write about these trademarks through experiences he had lived and influences that were brought upon him, like alcoholism and divorce. Raymond Carver and his father were alcoholics and had both been divorced and remarried through out their lives which is why alcohol, divorce, and fading love are some of the biggest themes he incorporates in his stories. Raymond Carver also expresses puzzlement about the odd and battered condition of love in his profound themes.
Specifically in his two short stories, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love” and “Popular Mechanics.” As a writer Carver always tried to add some aspect of intensity or menace in his work. He was known as a literary minimalist because he likes to shorten sentences by removing words or phrases.
Although it may seem simple - it is also, in my opinion, profound. When we turn towards ourselves with this level of openness, we can then start to integrate and subsequently heal all parts of our self and all past experiences that we may have previously disowned, rejected or feared. It is my belief that this is a core question we regularly need to be asking ourselves and it is a question on which my practice is based. By living from this place of the heart we come into an entirely new level of wholeness and integration within ourselves and can live with a profound sense of security and groundedness in who we are. Sila osoznaniya nevill chitatj onlajn. By asking ourselves how we can be kind to ourselves, we are re-wiring our mind to turn towards ourselves with compassion and understanding, rather than judgment or fear.
This writing technique he uses creates a sense of uncertainty in the sentences and leaves the reader guessing. Minimalist writers like Carver, won’t tell you exactly what to think through their diction, instead, they leave their work open ended so the reader can participate.