Red Alert 2 Custom Maps Download
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Hey guys, Sorry i am new to playing MP for RA2, but i was wonderring; How/ Where do i install and place the maps i have downloaded? I have checked all the extensions in regards to westwood and RA2, but have not come up with any map files (.mmx) so where do i install them? I'm sure this is a question that was asked years ago, but i am a noober at playin RA2 online. I have been playing Mohaa, COD, UO and COD2 for the past several years, but have always have played single player C&C from the original, thru Generals: Zero Hour. So i'm not COMPLETELY computer Illiterate.

Harakteristika na sportsmen dyussh obrazec. All 12 of the Offical Maps that Westwood made for Red Alert 2. All three maps are very good, and is definitely worth the download.