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Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2017 Releases [ ] • announced the release of the Kickstarter campaign, to run through January 9, 2017. • announced the release of, the 10th book in the series on starships in the Clement Sector. • 2016 Releases [ ] • TBD 2015 Releases [ ] • announced the start of the crowd funding project, a starter set for the Traveller RPG made for young players. 2014 Releases [ ] • (10-12 October 2014) announced on • The Traveller 5th edition Core rules books developed and published as part of the project are starting to arrive in people hands. 2013 Releases [ ] •, the author of T20, has. 2012 Releases [ ] • Announced that he is using to raise funds to publish the first Run of T5 you have until July 1, 2012 13:00 EST to support it. • David Blalock, owner of, announced that they are using to raise funds to publish the 'Fat Cat Far Trader game book: a starship supplement', the first licensed product in suport of T5.

You have until Sunday Jul 8, 2012 11:10pm EDT to support it. 2011 Releases [ ] • announces the availability of, a new book for. Released February 2011. 2010 Releases [ ] •, editor of JTAS, is in the hospital recovering from a quadruple bypass following a minor heart attack. Prognosis is good, and right now he expects to be released soon.- 10 Aug 2010 • announces the availability of, a new PDF for. Released September 2010 • announces the availability of, a new PDF for. Released November 2010 2009 Releases [ ] • and announces the release of, a new adventure for Traveller.

Released January 2009. Novakom karta abonenta golovna. • announces the release of, a new starship for. Also released is the. Released January 2009.

• announces the availability of, Adventure 1 for the line. Released January 2009. • announces the availability of, Book 3 for the line. Released February 2009 • announces the availability of, Adventure 2 for the line. Released March 2009 • announces the availability of, Supplement 3 for the line. Released April 2009 • announces the availability of the, a character folio for.

Released April 2009. • announces Creatures of Distant Worlds, a series creatures to surprise players and populate worlds. Available for. Beginning in April 2009. • announces Mech Tech 'n' bot, a line of robots, mechs, computers and other tech toys for. Beginning in July 2009.

• announces the availability of the, a new ship design for. Released April 2009. • the availability of, a new adventure for Traveller. Released April 2009. • the availability of a subscription to, a five issue collection of aliens for.


Announced April 2009. • announces the release of the premier issue of, a new Traveller fanzine. Announced May 2009. • announces the release of his latest PDF. Announced May 2009. • announces the release of, a new adventure for Mongoose Traveller.

Released May 2009. • announces the release of, the first in new series of books detailing adventures and background for single worlds. Released June 2009. • announces the availability of, Book 5 for the Mongoose Traveller line. Released June 2009. • announces the availability of, Supplement 4 for the Mongoose Traveller line. Released June 2009.

• announces the release of, the second in the series of books detailing adventures and background for single worlds. Released July 2009. • announces the availability of, Alien Module 1 for the Mongoose Traveller Line. Released July 2009.

• announces the availability of, Supplement 5 for the Mongoose Traveller Line. Released August 2009. • the availability of, the first of a new series of Traveller books.

Released August 2009. • announces the release of, a collection of short adventure hooks for. Release August 2009.

• announces the availability of, Supplement 6 for the Mongoose Traveller Line. Released September 2009.

2008 Releases [ ] • German RPG publisher announces they intend to publish the German version of in Feburary or March. Released January 2008. • The the release of Issue 8.