Xampp Indexphp File Download

Apr 30, 2017 - Guys I had exactly the same problem as well and in my cases it was htaccess file. By mistake I have download it from my server (cPanel server) and the htaccess. I am design use in HTML and CSS, but I don’t understand I can run locally my index.html file like as a local based website, basically I want to service local area connected about 300 computer user. Its a library, there is a digital book, list of category-wise book, magazine, annual report, research paper etc.

Installing CodeIgniter If you don't have CodeIgniter installed yet, you can use to download the latest version of CodeIgniter which is 3.1.7 that I've used in this source code. After downloading, extract the file in the folder of your server. Since I'm using XAMPP as my localhost server, I've put the folder in htdocs folder of my XAMPP. Then, you can test whether you have successfully installed codeigniter by typing your app name in your browser. In my case, I named my app as codeigniter_htaccess so I'm using the below code.

Localhost/codeigniter_htaccess/ Enabling mod_rewrite in our Apache Next, we need to configure our apache to enable mod_rewrite so that we can create our.htaccess file to rewrite our URLs. Open httpd.conf in a text editor located in xampp/apache/conf folder where xampp is the location of your XAMPP application. Find and remove # in the ff line: #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so 3. Find all occurrences of AllowOverride and change the value if it is None to All. 6 foot 1. Make sure that all the values are change to All.

Save changes and restart XAMPP. Creating our.htaccess File In the root directory of your CodeIgniter application, which in my case codeigniter_htaccess, create a file and name it as.htaccess and paste the below code. Find the ff line $config['base_url']. Add the path of your app, in my case. Find the line $config['index_page'] and remove the index.php value. Creating our Default Controller Next, we are going to create the default controller of our app.


Means that if there no value in our URL, it will automatically go to our defined controller. Open routes.php located in application/config folder and set the default route to our user controller. Note: While we name controllers using CAPITAL letter in this first letter, we refer to them in SMALL letter. Filtered HTML • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. • You may insert videos with [video:URL] • Allowed HTML tags: [video] • You can enable syntax highlighting of source code with the following tags:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The supported tag styles are:, [foo]. • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.