Drivers Test Score Sheet South Africa

Anti-Valentine has a driver's license from South Africa and has studied many driving materials. I'm taking my drivers license test in 3 days time and I am soooo.

Contents • • • • • • • • The Driving Test Points Sheet for Cars & Trucks We explain how the K53 examiners will mark you during your Driver’s Licence Test – see what errors will cost you the most points and what areas you need to focus on most. Being a safe driver is the number 1 priority. Below is an explanation of the Examiner’s Points Chart for the Light Motor-Vehicle (cars) Test. This chart explains howmany points you can lose for performing certain actions or manoeuvres incorrectly. Items marked in red are immediate failures. Light Motor Vehicles Points Sheet PROVISIONAL LIC.


Remarks ALLEY DOCKING Left Right Roll. (1) Gear (1) Move (1) Stall. Remarks PARALLEL PARKING Left Right Roll. (5) Sig (1) Gear (1) Move (1) Stall.

Remarks TURN IN THE ROAD Roll. (5) Sig (1) Gear (1) Move (1) Stall. Remarks INCLINE START Roll (5) P. (5) Obs (5) Sig. (1) Stall (4) Sig. STARTING (2) P. (1) Choke (1) Str.

(1) Warn Lts/Guages. MOVING OFF (5) Obs. (1) Stall Roll (4) Sig. STEERING (1) Method. (4) Wide/Cut. CLUTCH (1) Sm/co (1) Slips. GEAR CHANGING (1) Gear.

(1) Sm/co (5) Eyes. (4) Whilst snr. SIGNALLING (3) Mir. Pass Fail Deferred LANE CHANGING STEERING (3) Mir.

OVERTAKING Left Right (3) Mir. SPEED CONTROL (3) Mir. (5) Fast (1) Slow. (2) Br (5) Fol. FREEWAYS Ent Ex (3) Mir.

EMERGENCY STOP (5) Stop (5) Con. GENERAL REMARKS.. DATE SIGNATURE. COPY RECEIVED. Acceleration N. Neutral Adj.Mir. Adjust mirrors Needless Needless stopping Aut.

Automatic transmission No.att. Number of attempts B.kerb. Bumps kerb No.mve. Number of movements Bl.sp. Blind spots Obs.

Observation Br. Braking Obstacles Touches obstacle/s Ch.R/L Check right and left for cross traffic Obstr. Obstructions Choke Operation of choke Op.horn Operation of horn Cl.cp. Clear space Op.ind. Operation of indicator Coasts Coasting Op.Its.

Operation of lights Con.stop Controlled stop Op.wip. Operation of wipers Counter steers P. Park (automatic transmission) D “Drive” (automatic transmission) Application of parking brake Dec. Deceleration Application of parking brake without using release mechanism Disengage clutch Pos. Positioning of vehicle Drs.

Drivers Test Score Sheet South Africa

Doors Pos.turn Position for turn Eng.c. Engine compartment Rides Riding the clutch Ent. Entering freeway Roll Lets vehicle roll Ex. Exiting freeway Seat. Seat adjustment Ext. Exterior of vehicle Sig.

Signal intention Eyes Keep eyes on the road Sig.can. Cancels signal F.cap. Fuel cap Slips Slipping the clutch Fast Too fast for conditions Slow Too slow for conditions Fol.dist.

Following distance Sm/co. Smooth and co-ordinated Gear Gear changing/selection Stall. Stalls engine Hand.L. Hand signal – indicate intention to turn left Stop Stop vehicle Hand.R. Hand signal – indicate intention to turn right Str.eng Starts engine Hand.S. Hand signal – indicate intention to stop or reduce speed suddenly Strad. Serial number idm gratis. Straddles Horn Use of horn T.line Touch line/ road marking Int.

Interior of vehicle Tyr. Tyres Len/Ref. Lenses and reflectors Un.veh Observe under vehicle for obstructions Ln.Chng. Lane changing in an intersection Veh.ent. Prezentaciya na temu neobichnie doma na anglijskom yazike full. Vehicle entrances and driveways M/kerb Mounts kerb W.T.L. Waits too long Man. Manual transmission Wand.

Wanders Mech.Fail. Mechanical failure Warn lts/gauges Warning lights and gauges Method Steering method Wheels Wheels straight for turning Mir. Mirrors Whilst cnr. Whilst cornering Move Moving off Wide/Cut Steering too wide/cutting Wip Windscreen wipers Scoring Method With certain manoeuvres, you can only lose the indicated number of points. For example, during the pre-trip inspection, if you fail to do the Adjust mirror part of the pre-trip inspection (2), you can only lose 2 points. Since that check and the pre-trip inspection only happens once, you only have one opportunity to lose points.